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Romance Readers Guide to Passion strives to promote and support our favorite authors with scheduled features that run weekly, monthly, and when new books are published.  If you are interested in having us feature your book, please contact us.


Each month we celebrate one of our favorite authors by featuring them on our blog and sharing their books in our weekly categories.

We love to celebrate Book Birthdays for our favorite authors, so when we preorder a book we throw a little party on release day with a cupcake.  Because who doesn't love cupcakes, chai tea lattes and new releases.

One of our favorite characters is Meryn Evans from the Bewitched and Bewildered series by Alanea Alder.  What better way to start a Monday then with a some snarky one liners to share and enjoy.

One of our absolute favorite series is the Skin Walkers by Susan Bliler.  To share our love with all of you, we are bringing a weekly demand from the man himself, the star of the series, Monroe Stonecrow.

One of the main reasons we all love to read is those fantastic quotes we just can't seem to shake.  On Wednesdays we love to bring you some of our favorites.

On Thursdays we love to throw it back with some of those books that have been out for a while and are constant re-reads or new discoveries.  Either way be sure to check them out, you might just find your new favorite.

Fridays are for celebrating those books that we loved enough to purchase the paperback and add to our library of bookshelves.

In each book we read there is always that one character that seems to steal the show.  With our character spotlights we want to showcase those characters that call to us like no other.  Who knows maybe we will help you to find your newest book boyfriend.

If you have read any of Mandy M. Roth's books, then you are sure to know all about Striker.  The crazy Scotsman is always making us chuckle, even when he doesn't mean to, and we want to share those laughs with you.  Be on the lookout though, Wild Bill loves to take over and share his own brand of mischief.

Sydney's Stars is a way for us to share those hidden gems that made Sydney’s 5 star review list, but are either older books or new finds that we missed the preorder on.  Hopefully these books will soon become 5-star reviews for you as well.

Once a month Summer takes over the blog with a quirky read that is right up her ally and in no way romance.  We love to promote reading in all its forms, and you never know, that next quirky read might just be the break from reality that you are looking for.

From under ground to on the water, we love everything outdoors.  Naturally this means that our trusty Kindles, and the books stored on them, have traveled with us to all of these wild locations.  What better way to randomly celebrate our favorite books and authors then by sharing with you the books that travel with us on our journey.  Kindles in the Wild is our way of bringing you closer to the things that move us, and you might just find a new favorite read along the way.

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